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More than a year before the 2008 election, China — occasionally as partner, more often as adversary and potential vote-getter — is also rising as an issue among the candidates for president.

More than a lifetime, 比一生更长,
More than a million people voted on Sunday, pushing the turnout to more than 44 per cent. 周日有超过一百万市民投票,投票率推高至超过百分之四十四。
More than a playmaker that tries to circulate the ball, he's a player of definitive passes. 与那些将球运转起来的进攻组织者相比,他更像是作出致命一传的那种球员。
More than a ton of confetti, little pieces of paper, rains down on the crowd. 一吨多小纸片大小的五彩纸屑雨点般洒落在人群之中。
More than a week after the beating, another doctor examined him and found that the hematoma was still tender, and purplish in colorand was discharging fluid. 一个礼拜后,另一个医生检视发现血肿依然涨涨的,软软的,紫紫的。而且还流汤(台语)。
More than a year before the 2008 election, China — occasionally as partner, more often as adversary and potential vote-getter — is also rising as an issue among the candidates for president. 这位伊利诺伊州的参议员表示,中国正在崛起,而且不会离开(这条崛起的路)。他们(指中国)既不是我们的敌人也不是我们的朋友,他们是我们的竞争对手。
More than any other sport, the NBA allows for both individual flash-and-dazzle theatrics and solid fundamentals-progressivism and conservatism, all in a single possession. 与其他任何一项运动相比,NBA球员在掌握球权时,既可以奉献眩目花哨的个人表演,也可以用循序渐进、因循守旧的基础完成一次战术组织。
More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. 远超过历史上的任何时代,人类正面临何去何从的十字路口。
More than any rival, America corrects itself. 美国可以自我修正,这方面比任何国家都强。
More than anything else in the saga of this school, I have been impressed and amazed by the bullish power, the talent, the shrewdness and the charm of the tender Chinese girl who traveled together with me from Ireland to build Ai Hua up from nothing. 在这个学校的发展史中,没有什么可以跟这个跟随我从爱尔兰游历至此、白手起家建立起爱华学校的柔弱中国女孩相比,她的闯劲、天赋、机灵和魅力给我留下了最深的印象,也使我最感吃惊。
More than anything, Helen wanted to do what others did, and do it just as well. 海伦非常想做别人能做的事,而且同别人做得一样好。

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