In it, he admits to three 1989 murders in his hometown of Shreveport, Louisiana.
在该笔录中,他承认了三起1989年在他的家乡路易斯安那州什里夫波特市所犯下的谋杀案。 |
In it, he argues that a lot of our cognition happens instantaneously and somewhat unconsciously.
书中他提出,人类的许多认知都是在无意识的情况下瞬间发生的。 |
In it, there are detailed description of the historic development of tea, making and brewing methods and the like.
里面详细介绍了茶的发展历史,茶叶的制作和煮茶的方法等与茶相关的知识。 |
In itro ealuation reealed 69% sensitiity of Gram-positie organisms to a first-generation cephalosporin and 80% sensitiity of Gram-negatie organisms to a third-generation cephalosporin.
体外培养显示69%革兰氏阳性菌对头孢一代敏感,80%革兰氏阴性菌对头孢三代敏感。 |
In its 16 years of operation it has found the first convincing evidence for the existence of black holes, made observations supporting the theory that the universe's expansion is accelerating and confirmed that dark matter exists.
在它运行的16年中,首次发现了关于黑洞的令人信服的证据,很多观测都支持了宇宙加速膨胀的理论并确认了暗物质的存在。 |
In its World Economic Outlook, released on Wednesday, it projects the global economy will grow by 4.3 percent this year compared to 5.1 percent in 2004.
在本周三发行的《世界经济展望》中,国际货币基金组织提出,今年的世界经济增长速度将为4.3%,而2004年的经济增长速度为5.1%。 |
In its absence the air in the house seemed to hang with that same question; how would her life have been if she had managed to send just one of them?
屋里的空气也凝聚了起来,像是在想同样一个问题:如果她曾经把这些信其中的一封信寄出去,她的生活将会是怎么样? |
In its barley bed.
在大麦床里的罂粟花就是艳红色。 |
In its broadest application geophysics makes a major contribution to understanding the earth's crust and, especially through the application of modem plate tectonic theory, the genesis and petroleum potential of sedimentary basins.
地球物理的广泛应用对于了解地壳,尤其是应用了现代板块构造理论后,对于了解沉积盆地的成因和潜在石油资源作出了重要贡献。 |
In its broadest application geophysics makes a major contribution to understanding the earth\'s crust and, especially through the application of modern plate tectonic theory, the genesis and petroleum potential of sedimentary basins.
地球物理的广泛应用对于了解地壳,尤其是应用了现代板块构造理论后,对于了解沉积盆地的成因和潜在石油资源作出了重要贡献。 |
In its cultural development, Vietnamese nation had a strong assimilating character, which shows as inclusiveness and assimilation to foreign cultures as well as cultural communication.
在越南文化的发展过程中,越南民族表现出了极强的交融性,这种交融性体现在越南民族对外来文化的兼容并蓄和融合同化,同时也体现在越南民族在文化上的对话交流。 |