His self-confident fluency left her no room to talk back.
他口若悬河,自以为是,使她没有机会回话。 |
His selfishness caused him to refuse my solicitation.
他的自私让他拒绝了我的请求。 |
His senior colleagues at Harvard—some able, more of them drab—sent him a letter urging him to stay; it said the right things, but was perhaps a little perfunctory.
他在哈佛的资深同事――一些有才干的,个性单调的更多――给他写了一封信,力劝他留下来;信上说的是正事,但可能有点例行公事。 |
His sense of hearing , teachers noticed, was exceptional.
他的几个老师发现他的听力极其敏锐。 |
His sense of humour was a useful buffer when things were going badly for him.
他有幽默感, 这使他在逆境中聊以自慰. |
His sense of smell is very acute.
他的嗅觉非常锐利。 |
His sensitivity to the current events made us surprised.
他对时事的敏感性使我们感到惊讶。 |
His sensory pleasures are a rebellion against both sexual inhibition and commercialism, and the story is filled with rantings against the entire American puritanical capitalistic lifestyle.
同是半自传体小说,米勒的主人公是从布鲁克林区跑去浪迹欧洲的穷小子,感官享乐既是反禁欲的又是反商品的,充满破口大骂整个美国清教徒式资本主义生活的狂野。 |
His sensuality was his priority.
他的感受是的他优先考虑。 |
His sentences are long and well structured, interwoven with parallel words and phrases.
他使用的句子一般较长,但结构工整,包含有许多排比,对仗。 |
His sentiment is a throwback to the old colonial day.
他的观点还是从前殖民时代的那种观点。 |