Tell me about a situation at work that frustrated you.
(什么样的状况会使你在工作上感到挫折?) |
Tell me about a time when you had to confront a team member?
谈谈你与其它团队成员发生冲突的经历? |
Tell me about a time when you have addre ed a change in co umers' or customers' needs.
请给出一个你满足消费者或客户需求变化的例子。 |
Tell me about a time when you went beyond the call of duty.
谈谈你做自己职责范围之外的事情的一个例子。 |
Tell me about a time you were in a recreational setting and got an idea that helped in your work.
在和朋友一起喝酒时,想到如果与客户的关系也能如此该多好?于是组织了客户亲善会,因此提高了10%的工作效率。 |
Tell me about accomplishments of which you are the most proud.
谈一下你最荣耀的成就。 |
Tell me about all your doings in London.
告诉我你在伦敦所做的一切。 |
Tell me about an occasion where you succe fully maintained your objectivity in addre ing a se itive and difficult situation at work.
请列举一个你在工作中面对一种微妙而又困难的局面时,能够成功地保持客观的分析能力的例子。 |
Tell me about an occasion where you successfully maintained your objectivity in addressing a sensitive and difficult situation at work.
请列举一个你在工作中面对一种微妙而又困难的局面时,能够成功地保持客观的分析能力的例子。 |
Tell me about it on the way home.
在回家的路上告诉我吧。 |
Tell me about the captain's armband you displayed during a game against Real Sociedad last season, with You'll Never Walk Alone written on the inside?
告诉我关于你在上个赛季同皇家社会的比赛中佩带的队长袖标,上面写着“你永不会独行”。 |