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Application of Centrifugal Elutriation for the Study of Relationship between Rb Protien and Cell Differentiation

Application for a soft-sensing model of cell concentration basedon RBF neural network RBF神经网络在菌体细胞浓度软测量中的应用
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 人工神经网络在药动学/药效学研究中的应用
Application of Autoradiography to the Test of Specific Antibodies in Immunized Serum 放射自显影术在鉴定免疫血清中特异性抗体的应用
Application of Bio-informatics in Proteomics 生物信息学在蛋白质组学上的应用
Application of Biochip Technology on Research of Pharmacology and Toxicology 生物芯片技术在药理学和毒理学研究中的应用
Application of Centrifugal Elutriation for the Study of Relationship between Rb Protien and Cell Differentiation 离心洗脱法在Rb蛋白与细胞分化关系研究中的应用
Application of DNA Extraction and Analysis of Its Influence Factors DNA提取的应用与相关技术分析
Application of Designed Experiment Teaching Method to Experiment Teaching Quality Improvement of Medical Microbiology 实施设计性实验 提高医学微生物学实验教学质量
Application of GE-90 micro PLC for control system of aluminium reduction cell GE micro PLC在铝电解槽控制中的应用
Application of Green Fluorescent Protein Gene (gfp) in the Symbiosis between Mesorhizobium Huakuii and Astragalus Sinicus 绿色荧光蛋白基因gfp在华癸中生根瘤菌与紫云英共生固氮体系研究中的应用
Application of High Performance Liquid Chromatography-(HPLC) Column Switching Technique in the Study of Pharmacokinetics and Bioavailabily 高效液相色谱柱切换技术在药代动力学与生物利用度研究中的应用

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