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There is a TV show about AIDS on right now.

There is a SNOW WORLD and ROCK CLIMBING at the LEVEL 2A. So to those that enjoy adventurous activities may try out the rock climbing. 在2A层有滑雪和攀岩。所以那些喜欢冒险活动的朋友可以尝试下攀岩。
There is a Santa before the shopping mall. 购物中心前有个圣诞老人。
There is a Silvermoon City teleporter NPC in the Undercity courtyard. 银月城传送NPC被放到了幽暗城花园里。
There is a TB talk on the Hill. 国会就肺结核时间(事件?)进行了一次会议.
There is a TV set and a Hi-fi stereo in the middle of the suite. 在组合家具的中间放有一台电视机和一台高保真音响。
There is a TV show about AIDS on right now. 电视正在播放一个关于艾滋病的节目。
There is a TV show about Aids on NOW. 电视正播映一个有关爱滋病的节目。
There is a Trident on same course, level 7000m, estimating surpassing 1415. You will climb to 4500m and maintain. 有一架三叉戟,同航线高度7000米,预计1415超越,你可以上升到4500米并保持。
There is a [no] clear evidence that your project [has close tie with your community / has impact on your community / has students co-react with your community]. 清楚证据显示贵队的专题计画[与你们地方社区有密切关系/对你们地方社区产生影响/使学生和地方社区产生互动]。
There is a actual example of application of rotary inertia. 该文通过一个实例来阐述选择惯量的具体应用。
There is a baby Buddha waiting in you and you might lead your daily life in such a way to allow the Buddha in you to bloom, like a lotus seed, to become a lotus pond. 有一个幼小的佛陀在你们之中,你们应如是生活,以使幼小的佛陀成长起来,恰如莲子成长为荷塘。

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