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The blame is unavoidable.

The blade spins at a high speed so sterile water needs to be constantly applied to the cut surface to minimize burning. 因为钻子速度很快,所以要在切割面不停地使用无菌水以减少火花。
The blades can be movable in the slots during shaving. 剃削过程中,刀片能在凹槽内移动。
The blades have been passed the test of the dynamic and static balance testing machine. 浆叶均通过静、动平衡试验机特殊试验。
The blame during this slump rests primarily on the pitching. 首先被最多人指责的就是投手群。
The blame game is, however, rather disingenuous, since the insular, casino-like Shanghai and Shenzhen markets have so far exhibited hardly any correlation with either the mature or emerging markets outside China. 这种指责了无真意﹐是游戏一场﹕上海和深圳市场既孤立又像赌场﹐迄今为止﹐根本没有展示出与中国境外成熟或新兴市场的任何关联。
The blame is unavoidable. 责备是不可避免的。
The blame rests fair and square onmy shoulders. 这一罪过著实地落在我的头上.
The blaming is unavoidable. 责备是不可避免的。
The blank areas found in the lecture notes below are intentional. 课堂讲稿内所留的空白区域是有目的的。
The blank space between a margin and the beginning of an indented line. 行首空格白边与缩进行行首之间的空白处
The blank treatments before cold extrusion were also drawn up and the die structure of the cold extrusion was designed. 拟制了冷挤压前的毛坯处理及设计了冷挤压模具结构。

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