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About 1000 delegates from all over the country were expected to take part in the conference and pick the 100-member national council.

About 100 security guards had worked for the nuptial in which only 10 dinner tables were arranged with each costing 12,300 yuan (1,618 U.S. dollars), local media reported. 当地媒体报道:婚礼出动了100个安全守卫,仅有10桌的宴席,每桌花费12300元(1618美元)。
About 100 species in tropical America and Africa.Pao rosa yielded mainly in Congo in Africa. 近100种﹐分布于热带美洲与非洲﹐主要伐采地在刚果。
About 100 torch bearers will be selected after intensive competition. 将通过激烈的竞争选出约一百名火炬手。
About 100 years ago, Cuba was one of those colonies. 将近100年以前,古巴也是这些殖民地其中之一。
About 100,000 men, women and children were gassed by these Fascists. 大约十万男人,女人以及小孩被这些法西斯分子用毒气杀害。
About 1000 delegates from all over the country were expected to take part in the conference and pick the 100-member national council. 来自全国大约一千名代表将出席会议,由他们挑选委员会的一百位成员。
About 1100 new party members took the oath on being admitted to the party. 近1100名新党员在庄严的党旗下,在雄壮的《国际歌》歌声中完成了入党仪式。
About 15 minutes after we got in the water, we watched the tug sink. 在我们弃船入海约15分钟后,我们看着拖船沉入大海。
About 15% of glomerular filtration occurs through the mesangium, with the remainder through the fenestrated epithelium. 15%的肾小球滤过通过系膜,其它的通过有孔的血管内皮细胞滤过。
About 150 species in the tropics of the world,and most abundant in tropical America.Very small quantities imported mixing among logs from Papua New Guinea and Solomon. 近150种﹐分布于全世界热带雨林区﹐在热带中南美洲是原木畜积量最丰富的树种。主要由巴布亚新几内亚及所罗门群岛进口﹐常混杂在其他种原木中﹐进口量不大。
About 150 students representing diplomats of different countries took part in the simulated UN Security Council, UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Council. 近150余名扮演各国外交官,分别模拟召开联合国安理会、经济及社会理事会和环境规划署会议。

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