LL: And then I would fly my jet to my own private island in the Caribbean.
你还想开着飞机到自己在加勒比海买的一个岛上去!你真是在做梦! |
LL: Aren't you worried they are too wiped out to have company?
你说琼斯教授他们怎么样了? |
LL: Banks often give away candy as freebie or a pen with the bank logo. But a calculator is something I will really use. That makes it a good freebie.
原来是银行在开展特别的推销活动,给开帐户的人送一个礼物。计算机是有用的东西。不过,凡是免费的我也都喜欢。 |
LL: But it's iffy that they'll want to play against us again.
他们不一定再想跟我们打球。那是为什么呀? |
LL: But you have to hustle right back, Li Hua; otherwise, we won't make the bus.
你放心,我马上就回来。我知道我们要赶六点的汽车呢,晚了就赶不上了。 |
LL: But, Professor Jones is the head honcho of the East Asian Studies Department, and you know him.
是啊,东亚研究系的琼斯教授倒是和我很熟。你们公司总裁是不是来看你的。他们想提拔的就是你吧? |
LL: Come on, you had me for a tutor. I'm sure you did well!
你辅导我英语,我就一定会考得成绩优异?你真的对自己的辅导这么有信心啊? |
LL: Did the guy get all bent out of shape about it?
没有耶,那位教授没生气,也没有理会那些学生。后来大家都离开会场了。 |
LL: Didn't you see that lady walk smack-dab into the fruit display? She knocked all of the oranges over. What a mess!
哎哟,那位太太把那水果摊撞翻了。真是的,你看,地上到处都是桔子。她是怎么回事呀?你说她什么来着? |
LL: Don\'t worry, Li Hua! We\'ll go slowly. Even if you do wipe out, you\'ll be OK.
那好吧,我跟你一起去,可是千万别太快了。那样即便摔倒也不会受伤。走吧! |
LL: Exactly, maybe they think that if they gang up on me, then I'll be sure to call them at least every other day.
那你以后会不会隔一天就给他们打电话呢?其实,这也可以做到嘛。象我们现在休息的时候,你就可以打。说几句话就可以了嘛! |