Application of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis and treatment of pelvic neoplasms;
磁共振成像在盆腔肿瘤诊治中的应用 |
Content Change of Intestinal sIgA of Patients with Traumatic Shock;
创伤性休克患者肠道分泌型免疫球蛋白A含量的变化 |
Analysis of count and average volume of blood platelet and metabolite of Kawasaki s disease;
川崎病患者血小板数和平均体积及其代谢产物的改变 |
Analysis of count and average volume of blood platelet and metabolite of Kawasaki s disease;
川崎病患者血小板数和平均体积及其代谢产物的改变 |
Effect of Inherit the Characteristic to the Cells of Clarias fuscus by the Herbicide Butachlor;
除草剂丁草胺对胡子鲶红细胞微核率的影响 |
Clinical significance of bleeding grading in patients with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura;
出血分级在特发性血小板减少性紫癜患者中的临床意义 |
Observation on growth and feeding habits of lake whitefish (coregonus clupeaformiss mitchill) fingerlingin;
池养条件下湖白鲑幼鱼的生长和食性的观察 |
Development and application of biodegradation-compression test apparatus for municipal solid waste;
城市生活垃圾降解压缩试验仪研制及应用 |
Public Participation in Urban Planning and Development Decision-making:Literature in the West and Its Implications;
城市规划和发展决策中的公众参与——西方有关文献及启示 |
Comparison of morphology and growth kinetics of adult normal and herniated nucleus pulposus cells cultured in vitro;
成人正常和突出椎间盘髓核细胞的形态及生长动力学比较 |
The glorious Greek Culture absorbs many factors to enrich its vitality at its starting stage in cluding those coming from eastern cultures.
成就堪称辉煌的希腊文化在文化成长初期,许多要素并非原创,而是汲取了比自己文明更先进的东方文化的养分,为文化发展注入了活力。 |