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Its flavor is very pure and natural, and advance taste and flavoring for productions of snack foods, soup and meats.

Its first loyalty is to citizens. 新闻首先要忠于民众。
Its first mortgage-backed security was issued in December 2003, and for several years the government has been working with private parties to prepare the ground for a system that would imitate the Danish approach. 墨西哥第一只房贷支持证券发行于2003年12月,几年来政府一直和私人机构合作为其仿丹麦模式的房贷制度做准备。
Its first trial—of Thomas Lubanga, a Congolese rebel leader—is due later this year. 法庭的第一次审判将是刚果的一位名叫托马斯?卢班甘的叛军领袖,并且将在今年的晚期举行。
Its fiscal cuts will be seen as arbitrary and inequitable, leading the indigenous peoples to descend from the highlands and call for the president's ouster. 它的国库削减会被认作独断而有失公正的,进而使当地人民突然发难,呼唤总统下台。
Its flared rear and slim middle section made the body resemble a wasp. 喇叭状的尾端设计和纤细的腹腰造型使车体看起来就像只大黄蜂。
Its flavor is very pure and natural, and advance taste and flavoring for productions of snack foods, soup and meats. 产品酱香纯正自然,是用于膨化休闲食品、汤料和肉制品生产的优质增味剂和风味料。
Its fleece was as white as snow. 它的毛白的像雪一样。
Its flexible jaws and scales makes it possible to eat the animal whole. 它的有柔性口和鳞骨片使吃动物全部是可能的。
Its focal area is decided and it is in good agreement with experimental results. 从理论上计算了辐射声压在抽向上的分布曲线,进而确定了焦区位置,理论分析与实验结果符合较好。
Its foliage was beautiful and its fruit abundant, And in it was food for all. 12树的叶子华美,果子甚多,可作众生的食物。
Its followers believed that obtaining valid knowledge was the only way to obtain release from suffering. 它的追随者相信获得正确的知识是从痛苦中解放出来的道路。

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