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Maria: Do you like Cambridge, Anna?

Maria: Anna,would you like a drink? 玛丽亚:安娜,要饮料吗?
Maria: Anyway, that's just what you think. You don't really know anything. 玛利亚:无论无何,那只是你的想法。你并不是真的知道所有的事。
Maria: Captain, love them all. 玛丽亚:舰长,爱护他们吧。
Maria: Do you have an apartment? 玛丽亚:你住公寓吗?
Maria: Do you have any photographs of them? 玛丽亚:你有没有带他们的照片?
Maria: Do you like Cambridge, Anna? 玛丽亚:安娜,你喜欢剑桥吗?
Maria: Don't you think you'd soon get tired of it , Louisa? 玛丽亚:妳不会以为很快就厌烦的吗?露意莎?
Maria: Ever since I saw Gwen Stefani's abdominal muscles I've wanted a six pack too. My goal is to have one before next month's dance. 玛丽亚:自从我看到关史蒂芬妮的腹肌之后,我也很想拥有六块肌。我的目标是在下个月舞会之前练出六块肌。
Maria: I am... if you want me to be. 玛利亚:我是。。。如果你想的话。
Maria: I can't understand how children as nice as you can manage to play such awful tricks on people. 玛丽亚:我不明白像你们这样的好孩子,怎能那样戏弄人呢?
Maria: I taught them a song for the Baroness. 玛丽亚:是我教他们一支欢迎伯爵夫人的歌。

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