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The tiny antique silver pin lay in my hand.

The timing requirements section of the data sheet is similar to the recommended operating conditions section (see Figure 6). 数据手册的时序要求是与推荐工作条件小节类似的(见图6)。
The tin of ban have a calorific value of250 calories or have250 calories. 这听蚕豆含250卡的热值或250个卡里路。
The tinfoil must completely cover an access window so that the waves must pass through them, and it is easier for them to pass through window than walls. 锡纸必须完全覆盖一扇对外的窗口,以使波必须能完全通过他们,并且这对他们来说通过窗户比通过强更容易。
The tinker gladly accepted Robin's offer.The two walked along together. 小炉匠很高兴地接受了罗宾的提议。两个人一起走着。
The tinsel of parties and promotional events. 华而不实的晚会和促销活动
The tiny antique silver pin lay in my hand. 那枚小小的旧银别针就放在我的手上。
The tiny asparagus and potato plants didn't arrive on a spaceship. 那些细小的芦笋与马铃薯并不是搭宇宙飞船来的。
The tiny hand clasped in mine relaxed its grip. 握在我手里的那只小手慢慢地松开了。
The tiny interstellar dust particles were collected by the spacecraft Stardust, which on January 15, 2006, completed its 7-year Odyssey in space by returning its samples to Earth. 这些星际尘埃由“星尘”飞船收集,于2006年一月十五日完成了7年史诗般的空间飞行将样品带回地球。
The tiny mouse freed the great lion. 最后小老鼠终于救了大狮子。
The tiny nation is a living, cultural museum. 这个小国是现存的文化博物馆。

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