At other times, the watcher will dictate what to do to the driver.
反之,观察者可以指示操作者该如何做。 |
At other times, the world has to be content with small incremental steps.
在其他时候,世界必定还是满足于一小步一小步增进。 |
At other times, you want unbiased opinions and feelings, in which case you must work hard to use unstructured questions and to avoid showing your own opinions and feelings.
只有让大家感受到这是一种公平的交流,而不是家长式,胜利者对失败者式的命令,他们才能够保持愉快的心情各抒己见。 |
At other times,caddies also do other maintenance work like raking bunkers,cleaning the golf course of rubbish,and weeding.
在其他时候,球童应做一些诸如耙沙,清理球场垃圾和清楚杂草等球场维护工作。 |
At others, he has looked overwhelmed and every bit his 43 years.
其他方面,他看起来能够战胜自己43岁的年纪。 |
At our Coffee Corner you can meet and chat with your friends free and easy.
在这里您可以无忧无虑地和您在英语角认识的朋友聊天。 |
At our company if you cross him he will fire you right away.
在我们公司如果你惹了老板,他会立刻把你炒了。 |
At our company if you cross him he'll fire you right away.
在我公司里面如果你惹怒了他,他会立刻炒你鱿鱼。 |
At our convocation ceremony we all threw our caps in the air.
在我们的毕业典礼上,我们都把学士帽抛到空中。 |
At our last Kennedy Center Honors Show, Walter Cronkite went back onstage at the end and brought out all the cast, performers, and crew to salute us.
在我们最后参加于甘迺迪中心举行的致敬晚会,华特克朗凯最后上台,并带领所有演员及工作人员向我们敬礼。 |
At our picnic we has fried chicken and roasting ears.
野餐时,我们吃炸鸡和熟玉米。 |