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It is as exciting as New York, as sophisticated as Paris, as colourful as Hong Kong and as irreverent as '60s London.

It is argued that the important features of modem organizational structure may involve a definite organization boundary, situational structure and efficient information interlinkage. 运用企业组织理论,结合我国企业的实际需要,对企业组织结构变革中若干重要问题进行探索和研究。
It is argued that there occur not only the differences of academic traditions, but also the methodological backwardness caused by lack of international exchange. 指出,其中不但有学术传统上的差异,也有缺乏国际交流所造成的研究方法的滞后。
It is argued that therein lies the critical potentials of the modern consciousness. 从一个有限的意义上说,这种批判性格,在自由主义的基本立场上,可以见到明确的表现。
It is argued that this syndrome is caused by liver-wind hyperactivity phlegm obstruction in collaterals, heart-mind dysfunction; and its treatment is based on extinguishing liver-wind, resolving phlegm and nourishing heart by modified Sichong Decoction. 胡老认为肝风扰动,痰阻窍络,心神不宁为该病病机;平肝熄风,助以化痰定志、养心安神为治疗原则,加味四虫汤为临证基本方。
It is as I said, is it not? May you rot. 和我说的一样,不是吗?祝你早点完蛋。
It is as exciting as New York, as sophisticated as Paris, as colourful as Hong Kong and as irreverent as '60s London. 它象纽约一样令人振奋,和巴黎一样博大精深,象香港一样多姿多彩,又如六十年代的伦敦一样榘骜不训。
It is as flattering on an older woman as it is on a young girl. 年长的女人和年轻的女孩一样喜欢它。
It is as functional as it is beautiful. 之所以使用柚木是因为柚木质地较硬,抗潮湿和腐蚀。
It is as futile as drawing water with a bamboo basket. 竹篮打水一场空。
It is as good as done. 这就和做好了一样。
It is as if a curtain has been drawn away from my soul ,and the scene of unending life is transformed before me eyes into the pit of the forever open grave. 好像一层帷幕从我的灵魂上掀开了,无限的生活场景就在我眼前变成了永远敞开的墓穴。

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