What's in side this parcel?
这包裹里是什么? |
What's in the Small Green Box?
这个绿色的小盒子里面是什么东西? |
What's in you right hand?
你的右手里拿的什么? |
What's in your pencil case? I've got two pens.
在你的笔袋里是什么?我有两只钢笔。 |
What's inside? It's a new coat.
有什么在里面?一件新外套。 |
What's inside? It's a new sweater.
有什么在里面?一件新毛线衫。 |
What's inside? They are new pants.
有什么在里面?它们是新裤子。 |
What's inside? They are new socks.
有什么在里面?一双新袜子。 |
What's intense in a relationship is the newness. That's why the great romances of literature are never between people who stay together.
参考译文:恋爱关系中最强烈的是新鲜感。这就是为什么伟大的文学作品的罗曼蒂克从来不是关于人们如何幸福地生活在一起的。 |
What's intense in a relationship is the newness. That's why the great romantics of literature are never between people who stay together.
恋爱关系中最强烈的是新鲜感。这就是为什么伟大的文学作品从来不去描述人们如何幸福地生活在一起。 |
What's interesting is how puzzling the transformation of a word's meaning can sometimes be.
有趣的是,有时字义的变化还真令人摸不着头绪。 |