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They brought a sense of ambivlence, of being caught bet ween pleasure and embarrassment.

They broke him of his addiction. 他们除去他吸毒的瘾。
They broke into his store. 他们闯入他的店里。
They broke off a friendship of twenty years' standing. 他们的二十年的交情毁于一旦。
They broke up the alliance. 他们中止了联盟。
They brought a sense of ambivalence, of being caught between please and embarrassment. 它们带给人一种介于喜悦与尴尬之间的矛盾感觉。
They brought a sense of ambivlence, of being caught bet ween pleasure and embarrassment. 它们带给我一种矛盾的感觉——既高兴又窘迫。
They brought a sharp sword and with it they tried to cut his head off. 他们带来一把锋利的剑企图砍下他的头。
They brought comfortless news to all of us. 他们给我们带来的消息没有安慰我们。
They brought every man his gift, articles of silver and gold, garments, weapons, spices, horses, and mules, so much year by year. 王上10:25他们各带贡物、就是金器、银器、衣服、军械、香料、骡马、每年有一定之例。
They brought forward a few thought and measure which resolving Chinese country problems. 以《独立评论》为平台,一批著名学者对当时中国的发展道路问题进行了讨论。
They brought it to Jesus, and they threw their coats on the colt and put Jesus on it. 路19:35他们牵到耶稣那里、把自己的衣服搭在上面、扶著耶稣骑上。

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