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Since polyimide may adversely affect humans, avoid using such products in applications where they may come into contact with food, internal organs, or bodily fluids.

Since phoning (I phoned) you this morning, I have changed my plans. 今早给你打电话以后,我就改变了计划。
Since phoning you this morning, I've changed my plans. 自从今天早上给你打了电话以后,我已改变了计划。
Since piezoelectric resonant filter can not effectively prohibit higher-frequency harmonic,the mechanism of this problem has been discussed by means of a specific example which shows that there exists lots of undesirable resonant frequencies of piezoelect 提出压电谐振滤波器不能很好地滤除高频谐波的问题,结合一个具体例子理论推导了压电谐振滤波器存在许多干扰谐振频率,从而不能有效滤除一些特定频率的干扰信号.为了解决这个问题,提出一种改进型的静电激励谐振滤波器.为了说明其可行性,具体分析了改进型双端固支微梁静电激励谐振滤波器,理论推导证实基于双端固支微梁的各阶振型正交的原理,通过适当调整激振电容的间距,双端固支微梁的高阶振动模态受到很好的抑制,因此这种谐振滤波器可以有效阻止滤波器中心频率的高频谐波的通过.
Since players do not receive paychecks during the playoffs, Taylor would probably recoup his expenditures should his team advance into the second round. 因为球员在季后赛是不领工资的,如果森林狼能闯进第二轮,泰勒的损失就会得到补偿。
Since polygonal fault has not been found in our country yet, the introduction in this paper may be helpful for the study in China. 由于我国还未发现有多边形断层系的存在,希望本文的介绍能为我国开展此类断层研究时有所帮助。
Since polyimide may adversely affect humans, avoid using such products in applications where they may come into contact with food, internal organs, or bodily fluids. 聚酰亚氨有可能对人体带来不良影响在与食品和体内液体直接接触的情况下请避免命使用。
Since previous governors have also spoken to the club, your challenge is to make your address not only inspirational but also timely and original. 基于之前的总监们也都有对扶轮社发表过演说,您的挑战是如何发表一个既激励又符合时机的全新演说内容。
Since primary school education is a foundation of basic education, the cultivation of elementary teachers becomes more important in teacher education. 摘要小学教师是基础教育的“基础”,该专业涉及面广量人,其人才培养质量直接和间接影响到国家根本利益和千家万户的孩子成长。
Since privateers frequently ignored the constraints of their commissions, privateering was often difficult to distinguish from common piracy21. 由于私掠船往往对特许状上的限制条款视而不见,因而一般说来很难把他们的所作所为与海盗行径区分开来。
Since promoted to the fifth grade in the junior college, I have reduced my exercise quantity therefore causing my weight keep on rising. 自从上了五专,运动量变少了,所以我的体重就一直在上升。
Since protectionist sentiment is growing in the US, it is possible to imagine this happening once again. 由于现在美国的保护主义者思潮正在抬头,可以想象这种情况正在重演。

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