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The scientists have focused on a fracture in Tut's left thigh bone as the most likely cause of death.

The scientists found sites in the heads of rainbow trout that responded to damaging stimuli. 科学家发现虹鳟鱼的头部中的一些区域对破坏性刺激有反应。
The scientists found that the drugs destroyed neural stem cells and oligodendrocytes in mice. 科学家发现治癌药物会破坏试验白鼠的神经干细胞和少突细胞。
The scientists from Yale, Cornell and Johns Hopkins said there was only circumstantial evidence supporting poor diet and lack of exercise as the main causes of obesity. 耶鲁大学、康奈尔大学和约翰斯·霍普金斯大学的科学家们说,只有一些间接证据表明不健康的饮食和缺乏运动是肥胖的主要诱因。
The scientists generated a new substance in the lab. 科学家们在实验室中创造了一种新物质。(原来没有这样东西。
The scientists guess that Venus is lifeless. 科学家猜测在金星上没有生命。
The scientists have focused on a fracture in Tut's left thigh bone as the most likely cause of death. 科学家们认为左大腿的骨折是最有可能的死因。
The scientists have learned that the Earth's core is turning in an eastward direction and spinning faster than the Earth itself. 科学家已经弄明白了地核正在以朝东的方向旋转且比地球自身的旋转速度要快。
The scientists have shown that celecoxib has an inhibitory and preventative effect on tumour development in rats. 科学家已经证明塞来考昔在兔体内具有抑制和预防肿瘤发展的效果。
The scientists hope to do a national sediment survey in the future. 这些科学家希望能在未来做一次全国沉淀物的调查。
The scientists implanted the ice recrystallisation inhibition geneinto a host plant in Australia and replicated the anti-freeze properties. 科学家们将这“抑制冰再结晶基因”导入澳大利亚的一种本土植物体内,于是这种植物也具备了防冻特性。
The scientists involved have used research networks and weather stations across Europe to measure temperature, humidity and longwave radiation, which plays a key role in the greenhouse effect. 参与研究的科学家利用全欧研究网路和气候站,测得温度、湿度,以及在温室效应中扮演关键要角的长波辐射。

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