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“Western Lv”, for instance , who emphasized the model factuality of western painting drew an oil portrait painting of his wife who was a western beauty.

“Well,”said the tinker, “I'm on a mission for the Sheriff. “是这样的,”小炉匠说道,“我在为郡长做一件差事。”
“Well, no, not exactly,” I said hesitantly, “I haven't kept in touch with him but I heard that he was in some kind of trouble. “这个,不,不大清楚。”我犹豫着说,“我一直没有和他联系,但我听说他遇到了些麻烦。”
“Wenzhou Ouhai Chashan Mechanical Instrument Plant, Zhejiang” specializes in producing packing machine for Chopsticks, Toothpicks and Straws;chopstick bag making machine;Cutting machines and so on. 信息内容:温州市瓯海茶山机械仪器厂专业生产筷子包装机、筷子制袋机(筷套机)、牙签包装机、吸管包装机和配套分切机、烫金机、印刷机等设备。
“Western Alienation: Past, Present and Future”, Journal of Nankai,Special Issue,2002. 《加拿大西部离心主义:过去、现在与未来出路》,载《南开学报》,2002年特刊。
“Western Dress” simply does not complement oriental consciousness. 西方服饰”就是不能补充东方的思想状态。
“Western Lv”, for instance , who emphasized the model factuality of western painting drew an oil portrait painting of his wife who was a western beauty. 例如西洋吕在讲课时特别强调西洋画的造型真实度,随后就将自己给妻子画的一张油画肖像挂在黑板上。
“Wet behind the ears”means“lacking experience or training”. “乳臭未干”的意思是“缺乏经验和训练”。
“What I do every morning,” he said. “做我每天早晨都做的事。”他说。
“What I like most is the competition, I enjoy a lot on the track. “我最喜欢竞技,在田径场上我获得很大享受。
“What I see now is the urgency for policy reform is rather muted,” he says. “我目前看到的情况,是政策改革的紧迫性还相当低,”他表示。
“What I would like to present to the user is now play our hide-and-seek game in this real world, not the set jungle that everyone competes on. 我想展现给玩家一个在真实世界的捉迷藏游戏,不是在雨林场景里面的竞争。”

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