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Almost two thousand million people use cell phones around the world.

Almost singed my bottom off! 差点就把我烤糊了!
Almost six thousand Chinese miners were killed in accidents across the country last year. 去年一年有接近6千名中国矿工在全国各地的事故中丧生。
Almost the pulsing of the town's heart could be felt as the work went forward night and day, pumping the materials of war up the railway arteries to the two battle fronts. 这个城镇像心脏一样,日夜兼程把战争物质沿动脉似的铁路向两个战线输送;其心跳几乎都能感觉到。
Almost three-quarters favoured laws that wouldfunnel $100 billion to repair bridges. 大约四分之三的人支持为基础建设投入1000亿美元的法案。
Almost two thirds of those questioned said that lack of exercise and over-feeding were the main causes of excess weight. 几乎3分之2受访者说,过重的主因是缺乏运动和喂食过量。
Almost two thousand million people use cell phones around the world. 全世界有2千百万的人在使用手机。
Almost two-thirds of respondents identified increasing labour costs as either a major or moderate problem for their businesses over the course of the next year. 几乎三分之二的回答者把劳动力成本的增加当成自己下一年工作的主要问题。
Almost white interveinal chlorotic banding in oblique patches. An “indicator” condition for nickel excess which is quite distinct from yellow-green or yellow interveinal chlorosis caused by simple iron deficiency. 镍中毒的燕麦叶片:脉间几乎都是带有斜斑的白带;镍过剩的显示症状不同于由单独缺铁引起的脉间褪绿黄绿化或黄化。
Almost word for word, Elton repeated a story which he had committed to heart in the watches of the night. 埃尔顿把他在夜里睡不着时所记熟的故事,几乎一字不错的复述了一遍。
Alms never make poor. 施舍穷不了人.
Almustafa, the chosen and the beloved, who was a dawn unto his own day, had waited twelve years in the city of Orphalese for his ship that was to return and bear him back to the isle of his birth. 埃玛斯塔法——上天所眷爱的,是他那年代的曙光,他在奥非里斯城等待了十二年,等着载他返乡的船,载他回到他诞生的小岛。

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