The Football Association will study the actions of Didier Drogba in the post-match brawl that marred Chelsea's FA Cup win at Tottenham, according to the Daily Mirror.
根据《每日镜报》报道,德罗巴由于在切尔西与热刺比赛后冲突中的举动,将受到足联的调查。 |
The Football League Appeals Committee was chaired by Judge Robert Reid and included Andy Williamson (representing the Football League), Frank Clark (Institute of Football Management and Administration), Joe Bramhall (PFA) and Jane Purdon (FA Premier Leagu
足联控诉委员会由罗伯特里德主持,并且参与裁决的有安迪威廉母斯(代表足协),弗兰克克拉克(足球管理学院),乔布兰哈尔(PFA)和简普顿(英超联赛)。 |
The Forbidden City in Beijing, for example, has 9,999 rooms.
如北京紫禁城就有9999个房间。 |
The Forbidden City is one of the world's greatest works of architecture.
紫禁城是世界上最伟大的建筑之一。 |
The Forbidden City is where the emperors and their families used to live.
紫禁城是过去的皇帝及皇族成员居住的地方。 |
The Force Committee on Auxiliary Police and the Internal Review and Management Committee have continued to address issues with progressive efficiency and effectiveness.
在过去一年,内部检讨及管理委员会与辅警事务委员会的工作相辅相成,有效率地处理各项辅警事务,成绩有目共睹。 |
The Ford Company has agencies all over the country.
【福特公司在全国都有经销处。】 |
The Ford Family motto is: Chop your own (fire)wood; it will warm you twice.
译文:汽车大王福特家族的格言是:自己伐木得来的柴火加倍温暖。 |
The Ford Motor Company has been looking for partners to help distribute its automobiles there, and Boeing has entered into a partnership with Afghanistan's national airline.
与会者去美国爱荷华州,在其农业区讨论农业合作的协议,接下来他们将前往洛杉矶,商讨无线电通讯和信息技术的合作关系,随后他们将转往纽约访问各金融机构和各保险部门。 |
The Ford Motor Company was one of the first factories to develop a technical school to train specialized skilled laborers and an English language school for immigrants.
福特汽车公司是第一个在工厂发展为培训特殊的熟练工人的技术学校和为移民的英语语言学校。 |
The Ford Mustang and Chevrolet Corvette have managed to retain their essential characters over decades.
福特的野马和雪弗兰的轻巡洋舰在过去的几十年里长期保持着独特的风格。 |