1988 Adjuvant chemotherapy proven to increase disease-free survival in early breast cancer.
1988年,证实应用辅助化疗治疗早期乳腺癌可以提高无病生存. |
1988 Socioeconomic Adaptation and Ethnicity Evolution of the Chinese in Washington, D. C. Area. Ph. D. Dissertation. The American University.
1973泰雅族经济变迁与调适的研究:平静与望洋的例子。台湾大学考古人类学研究所硕士论文。 |
1988 Strategy Analysis of Japanese Audio Firms: A Case Study of Pioneer's Corporate and Marketing Strategy, unpublished M.B.A. thesis, Graduate School of Management, Taipei: Tatung Institute of Technology.
环境规划与永续发展:建构一个整合人文与自然的「新科学」〉,中兴大学资源管理研究所,第一届环境与资源管理学术研讨会,台北:中兴大学法商学院。 |
1989 Adjuant chemotherapy proen to increase surial in colon cancer.
1989年,证实辅助化疗可以提高结肠癌的生存. |
1989 Adjuvant chemotherapy proven to increase survival in colon cancer.
1989年,证实辅助化疗可以提高结肠癌的生存. |
1989 Ex-works absorption chiller amounted to 15000 units.
1989年吸收式制冷机销售总量达到15000台。 |
1989 Postmodern Geographies: The Reassertion of Space in Critical Social Theory. London: Verso.
公共与私密的交叠:台湾学术网路空间结构的理论初探一文版权归作者所有! |
1989 directed a two-part TV film THE DOOM OF A MAN. Starring Zhou Lijing, broadcast by CCTV and local TV station, with tapes distributed.
1989年导演由周里京主演的电视剧《人性的毁灭》,中央电视台播出并发行录像带。 |
1989 directed a two-part TV film THE DOOM OF A MAN. Starring Zhou Lijing, broadcast by CCTV and many local TV stations, with video tapes distributed.
1989年导演由周里京主演的电视剧《人性的毁灭》,中央电视台播出并发行录像带。 |
1990 EF established the World Council for Language Teaching (WCLT), an advisory board comprising ten of the world's foremost language experts.
EF倡导建立世界语言教学咨询协会,聚集了全球语言教育的专家精英。 |
1990 First chemopreention trial to show efficacy - itamin A analogue against mouth and throat tumors.
1990年,首个化学预防试验显示效果-维生素A类似物预防口腔和喉肿瘤. |