James Potter's first wand was made of mahogany, and according to Mr. Ollivander was excellent for Transfiguration, which should have been of help to James as an Animagus (PS5). |
中文意思: 詹姆·波特的第一根魔杖是用桃花心木做成的,而且根据奥利凡德先生所说,它“用于变形术是最好不过了”,它应该对詹姆成为阿尼马格斯起到了帮助作用(PS5)。 |
James Lang was hopeless, making way for Booth when he picked up his fourth foul in four minutes.
对郎毫无指望,于是布斯站到了场上,他在4分钟内吃到了四次犯规。 |
James Lipton Takes on Three: Roundtable with Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman and Moderator James Lipton, recorded the day after the Academy Awards.
詹姆士·利普顿团队:克林特·伊斯特伍德,希拉里·斯万科,摩根·弗里曼和协调员詹姆士·利普顿协商会议,记录获奥斯卡奖第二天. |
James Lloyd, 49, a long-standing Freemason who took the footwear of his victims as trophies, was finally caught through advances in DNA techniques.
49岁的詹姆士?劳埃德,一个将受害者脚穿的鞋拿走作为“战果”且长期隐身的神秘人物,最终被先进的遗传基因鉴定技术绳之以法。 |
James Pacenza's lawyers will argue in court that their client was using the internet to self-medicate as a way of controlling his post traumatic stress disorder.
代表帕琴扎的律师团说,他们的当事人是用互联网作为自我疗法,控制他的心理症状。 |
James Pierpont,,It is indeed a strange vicissitude of our science that those series which early in the century were supposed to be banished once and for all from rigorous mathematics should, at its close, be knocking at the door for readmission.,
在这世纪初已认为要断然从严密数学中驱逐出去的那些级数,在这世纪末竟又重敲接纳之门,这确实是我们科学的一个奇怪的变迁. |
James Potter's first wand was made of mahogany, and according to Mr. Ollivander was excellent for Transfiguration, which should have been of help to James as an Animagus (PS5).
詹姆·波特的第一根魔杖是用桃花心木做成的,而且根据奥利凡德先生所说,它“用于变形术是最好不过了”,它应该对詹姆成为阿尼马格斯起到了帮助作用(PS5)。 |
James Shinn, ed., Weaving the Net: Conditional Engagement with China, New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1996,pp.12-30.
刘学成等主编:《中国和美国:伙伴还是对手》,经济科学出版社2002年版,第10页序言. |
James Spotila, president of The Leatherback Trust, said, “It's time for people to rally around these ancient creatures and to understand that the actions we take — as individuals, as governments, as business people — can have either a negative or positive
棱皮海龟信托主席詹姆斯·斯波迪拉认为:“现在人们应该关注这些具有悠久历史的远古生物并充分理解我们活动的意义———无论是个体,还是政府或者商业活动,都有可能对海洋产生消极或是积极的影响。” |
James Taylor talks about his beginnings as an innocent folkie.
詹姆斯·泰勒讲起了自己作为一名纯朴民谣歌手出道时的经历。 |
James Watt's steam engine in 1765.
1765年詹姆斯瓦特的高效蒸汽机。 |
James Watt, one of the key figures in the early development of steam engines, devised the concept of horsepower to make it easier for his customers to understand the amount of work his machines could perform.
瓦特,最早研制蒸汽机的关键人物之一,设计了马力这个概念,使他的用户能比较简单地理解他的机器能完成的工作量。 |