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By microscopy, they are usually mucinous adenocarcinomas, with the heterotopic bone consisting of osteoblasts surrounding irregularly deposited osteoid.

By memorizing large chunks of language, you won't be able to respond if the examiner changes the topic. 记忆大段的语言,你就不能够对考官转变话题做出反应。
By mere chance or fortune; at random. 碰巧;胡乱地;随意地
By meshing hydraulic manifold in three dimensions and considering its machining technological characteristics, a designing method to arrange the oil passages in hydraulic manifold automatically is presented in this paper. 摘要通过对液压阀块的三维网格划分,结合液压阀块机械加工的工艺特点,本文提出了基于李氏迷宫算法的液压阀块孔道自动布局的设计方法,并进行了初步的软件实现。
By mesoanalysis of a precipitation that occurred in the middle reaches of the Changjiang River, 8th Jul. in 2003, the formation and development of the event, its relation with the meso-microscale system are studied, it is emphasized that the low-level jet 摘要通过对2003年7月8日发生在长江中游的一场大暴雨进行中尺度分析,初步研究了暴雨的形成及发展过程,总结了暴雨的产生与中小尺度系统的关系,着重阐述了低空急流在暴雨形成中的作用,以及在低空急流左侧强正涡度中心附近形成中尺度涡旋,激发暴雨云团等。
By microprocessor, Amplifier is not converted measure range, the software use optimized arithmetic to fast measure. 采取高速单片机,放大器也不用转换量程,软件选用了优化算法,故测试速度快。
By microscopy, they are usually mucinous adenocarcinomas, with the heterotopic bone consisting of osteoblasts surrounding irregularly deposited osteoid. 这一句,要强调成骨细胞围绕不规则沉积的类骨质排列。
By mid-December, Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index was up about 25 percent from a year earlier, Mumbai's Sensex index had soared more than 40 percent and Jakarta's Composite Index had gained more than 50 percent. 到12月中期,香港恒生指数较一年前上升了25%,孟买的敏感指数增长了40%,雅加达综合指数达到50%的增幅。
By mid-March, Zompro and his colleagues were into the neighboring mountains. 到了3月中旬,宗波罗与同伴进入邻近的山区。
By midday they had already travelled 200 miles. 到中午为止,他们已经走了200英里了.
By midday they had already travelled 200 miles. 到中午为止, 他们已经走了200英里了.
By midday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 0.4 per cent on the day and was showing a rise of 2 per cent on the week. 截至当日午盘,道琼斯工业指数较上个交易日收盘上涨0.4%,较此前一周上涨2%。

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