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The common methods of statistical analysis for quantitative data have t test, analysis of variance and rank test.

Vitality and Storage Capacity of Syringa Pollen; 丁香花粉生命力及贮藏力的研究
The Research Progress in Chemical Composition and Pharmacological Action of Syringa; 丁香属植物的化学成分及其药理作用的研究进展
Study on the preservation,breeding and extension of Lilac germplasm resource; 丁香属植物种质资源保存及繁育推广应用研究
Embryo culture and rapid propagation of Syringa; 丁香幼胚离体培养及组织快繁(英文)
Detecting the Volatile Organic Compounds of Dry Bupleurumwith Headspace Solid Phase Microextraction Coupled toGas Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry; 顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用分析干柴胡药材中有机挥发物
The common methods of statistical analysis for quantitative data have t test, analysis of variance and rank test. 定量资料的一般性统计分析中比较常用的方法就是t检验、方差分析与秩和检验,看起来简单,却容易出错。
Model Reseach on Setting a Data Bank in Identification of Cordyceps, Rhizoma Corydalis and Cortex Phellodendri Chinensis; 冬虫夏草、延胡索、黄柏等中药材商品真伪鉴别资料库示范性研究
Effect of Codyceps sinensis on blood pressure in renal hypertensive rats; 冬虫夏草降压作用实验研究
Clinical observation of cordyceps combined with NP regimen in treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer; 冬虫夏草联合NP方案治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌的临床观察
Effects of water extracts from codyceps sinensis on potassium current in isolatated ventricular cells; 冬虫夏草水提液对单个心室肌细胞钾通道的影响
Characteristics of the Mixed Cultivation in Submerged Culture of Cordyceps sinensis and Ganoderma lucidum HG; 冬虫夏草与韩芝液体发酵混合培养特性研究

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