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Kevin Oeffinger of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York was lead author of the study.

Kevin Jerome Pullum, 31, vanished July 6 shortly after being checked into county jail following his conviction in court of shooting a man six times in 1999. 这名在7月6日逃去无踪的男子名叫凯文·杰洛姆·普伦,现年31岁。他于1999年犯案,被法庭判定罪名成立并收监。
Kevin Keegan: Neglecting his true star striker? (基冈忽视了真正的明星前锋?)
Kevin Kim reports from the South Korean capital Seoul. 凯文?肯姆从韩国首都首尔发回报道。
Kevin Lewis was waiting quietly near the back of the line. 刘凯文静静地在队伍后面等着。
Kevin Lomax: What about love? 凯文:那么爱呢?
Kevin Oeffinger of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York was lead author of the study. 位于纽约的斯隆-卡特灵癌症中心的凯文·奥法格是这项研究的主要发起者。
Kevin abandoned himself to grief. 凯文悲不自胜。
Kevin and May make a nice couple. 凯文和梅是很般配的一对儿。
Kevin couldn't stop fanning the stack of hundred-dollar bills. 凯文无法停下继续展开这摞钱。
Kevin didn't like Fisher's tone. 凯文不喜欢费蛇耳的腔调。
Kevin felt a nervous shiver move through him. 凯文还是紧张的打了个冷战。

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