On the game of mahjong game : very cute, and pumpkin head, a lot of ghosts captain, Auger together in a form of ghosts! |
中文意思: 游戏介绍:极度可爱的麻将游戏,和南瓜头、鬼盗船长、奥格一起,来一个鬼神对决吧! |
On the game : Empire-sword V1.54 version of the truth, based on the original and amended a number of additional functions.
游戏介绍:帝国时代-真理之剑V1.54版,在原版基础上增加和修正了一些功能。 |
On the game : Let's try to see how our beloved Santa Claus will be able to fly farther? ?
游戏介绍:试试看看怎么样才能让我们可爱的圣诞老人飞的更远呢? |
On the game : You are the most fearless young delinquent members of the flight, flying in the blue sky above the fun is finding your mission.
游戏介绍:你是最无畏的飞行太保成员,在蓝天白云之上寻找飞行乐趣是你的使命。 |
On the game : a little rebellious, many sweet, very attractive MM Kazakhstan.
游戏介绍:一点点叛逆、很多的甜美,很有吸引力的MM哈。 |
On the game : protect your delicious muffin, t Xiaoqiang eating, using a sledgehammer to death on the table all the Xiaoqiang! Watching them in a deathbed, destroyed drop end!
游戏介绍:保护你的美味松饼,不被小强偷吃,餐桌上用大锤砸死所有的小强吧!看着它们一个个灵魂出窍,命丧砸底! |
On the game of mahjong game : very cute, and pumpkin head, a lot of ghosts captain, Auger together in a form of ghosts!
游戏介绍:极度可爱的麻将游戏,和南瓜头、鬼盗船长、奥格一起,来一个鬼神对决吧! |
On the genesis (or geneses) of AAE and of Gullah?
非裔美国黑人英语和嘎勒语的起源? |
On the girl, the huge deformation of her leg even isn't a problem.
对这个小姑娘而言,腿部严重变形显然已不是大问题了。 |
On the great clock of time there is but one word, Now.
在伟大的时钟上,只有一个词,就是“现在”。 |
On the great clock of time there is but one word, “now”.
伟大的时钟上只有一个词……现在。 |
On the green grass, the Romanesque arch in a solid line and the set-up of the pink ceremonial table extended a seething crowds with a romantic air.
芳草碧绿,弧形的罗马式拱门一字排开、粉红色礼仪台的布景,浪漫情调盈盈涌动。 |