If smallpox were used in an attack, experts fear that it could spread around the world within six weeks.
假使天花用于攻击行动上,专家担心它会在六周内散布全球。 |
If smoking turned out to be a money-saver for the government, would that really justify a cigarette subsidy?
如果吸烟最终证明能够为政府省钱,那么,它是否说明香烟补贴合理呢? |
If so approved by the Ministry of Commerce, investment companies identified as regional head offices are permitted to engage in operating and financing leases.
经商务部批准,允许被认定为地区总部的投资性公司从事经营性租赁和融资租赁业务。 |
If so great that I am as young as you!
我要是像你一样年青该多好. |
If so how many and what were their names?
如果有的话,他们叫甚麽名字? |
If so the single crater area will possibly exceed the 5000 square kilometers one, the currently publicly recognized meteorite crater group in South Africa.
假如此坑被证实,单坑面积将可能超过目前公认的世界上最大的南非陨石坑群区5000平方公里的总面积。 |
If so, Mr Calderón may face some discontent in his own ranks.
如果所言无误的话,德尔卡龙可能就会在自己的阵营中面临到一些不满。 |
If so, an eye doctor can treat your eyes with laser therapy to protect your vision.
如果是,眼科医生可以用激光疗法来保护你的视力。 |
If so, does talking on a cellular phone at the beach save time or waste it?
如果是这样,那么在海滩用手机通话是节省还是浪费时间? |
If so, does the person feel the same way?
如果是那样的话,那个人也是这么想的吗? |
If so, does this bullying4 carry over into their childhood?
若是如此,这种以大欺小的行为会不会延续至他们的童年? |