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Other:The dyewood is known as the suppression histidine decarboxylase,the catecha phenol-O-methyl shift enzyme action.

Other: When the Yule Ball opens, the orchestra is playing a waltz. In one shot, you can see a saxophone in the orchestra, even though there isn't one playing. 其他:圣诞舞会开始时,一支管弦乐队在演奏华尔兹,有个镜头里你可以看到乐队里有一架萨克斯管,尽管没人演奏。[这算什么错误?
Other: With the core of XIYI Co.,Ltd,XIYI Group lncluds 1 state-rank technical center,1 state pressure test center,1 industrial instrumentation institute and 4 sino-foreign joint-ventures. 其他:西仪集团公司以西仪股份有限公司为核心,拥有一个国家级技术中心,一个全国压力测试中心,一个工业自动化仪表研究所以及四个中外合资企业。
Other: feasibility study report, application form, 8×1″color photos. 其它:可行性报告、申请书、大一寸彩照8张。
Other:If you fail. it will mean the beginning of a new world war. 如果你失败了,就意味着一场新的世界大战即将开始!
Other:Kept you waiting, huh? 让你久等了吧?
Other:The dyewood is known as the suppression histidine decarboxylase,the catecha phenol-O-methyl shift enzyme action. 其它:染料木素有抑制组氨酸脱羧酶,儿茶酚-O-甲基转移酶作用.
Other:This kind of infiltration is the FOX unit's specialty. 这种渗透行动是fox小队的专长。
Others (including my colleagues and me) subsequently revealed the birth of new neurons, a phenomenon called neurogenesis, in the brains of adult birds, nonhuman primates and humans [see “New Nerve Cells for the Adult Brain,” by Gerd Kempermann and Fred H. 几个研究团队指出,成年动物脑部与脊髓神经细胞的轴突(或主要分枝),在受伤后还可以复原到某种程度。
Others - any other tasks. 其他任何其他任务.
Others I recollect as concrete human beings from a past meeting (the blonde I passed on the street), but the meeting was brief and, most likely, will not be repeat. 那些我回忆中在过去遇见的人们(我在路上看到的金发美女),但这会面十分短暂,而且通常不会再次发生。
Others I recollect as concrete human beings from a past meeting(the blonde I passed on the street), but the meeting was brief and most likely, will not be repeated. 也有过去见过面,我想起时把他当作明确存在的人(我穿越马路时所遇到那位金发碧眼的人),但这种见面是很短暂的,并且可以预期我们以后不会再见面。

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