Most of these drugs find their way into the water system by being 17) flushed down the toilet.
这些药品大都是以冲下马桶的方式进入水系统中。 |
Most of these files are secondary and may only be used once or twice but they come in very handy.
多数这些文件都是次要的,也许您只用得上一两次,但他们很容易获得。 |
Most of these individuals are unknown and living a seemingly inconsequential life.
这些人中大部分是不知名的,以似乎微不足道的方式生活。 |
Most of these may seem obvious, but you might feel better knowing they are “scientifically proven”.
其中的绝大多数可能似乎显而易见,不过如果知道它们是“经科学研究证实”,你可能会感到好一些。 |
Most of these new jobs pay less than regular jobs, and few come with good benefits. The standard American job, with a40-hour workweek, medical benefits and a pension at age65, is on the wane.
这些新工作(机会)多半待遇不如正式工作,并且福利优厚的不多。每周40小时,有医疗保险,并且65岁可领退休金的标准美国工作越来越少。 |
Most of these part-time soldiers hold civilian jobs.
大部分兼职士兵都还兼有普通的工作。 |
Most of these people got sick after having contact with pet prairie dogs that were sick with monkeypox.
这些人大多数在接触患有猴痘的草原宠物狗后发病。 |
Most of these people got sick after having contact with pet prairie dogs that were sick with m&#111nkeypox.
这些人大多数在接触患有猴痘的草原宠物狗后发病。 |
Most of these people have extended family to help them out, but some don't.
但是,我没有小孩,这是我唯一所宠爱的。 |
Most of these players will never take the blame for a loss; instead they will blame imbalance, top players who others copy, and even the butterfly they killed last week.
他们中大多数人从不把导致失败的过失当回事;然而他们会埋怨游戏的不平衡,对手模仿了那位高手的战术,甚至是他们上周杀死的那只蝴蝶。 |
Most of these private organizations have one or more goals.
大多数民间组织都有一个或多个目标。 |