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B:Yes.Natural pearls or cultured pearls?We have both kinds.

B:Yes. My name is Bernard Wood. I'd like to speak to Mr. Smith . 是的。我电伯纳德.伍德。我找史密斯先生接电话。
B:Yes. We exchanged some small talks from time to time. I noticed that her eyes were always on the window. 是呵。我们有一句,无一句的闲聊着。我注意到她的眼睛一直注视着车窗。
B:Yes.I have got in with my affiliate identity,and I can buy anything I like. 是的。现在已经用我的会员身份进入,可以大买特买了。
B:Yes.I think we can arrange that. 有的。我想我们安排得出来。
B:Yes.I've just lost my suitcase. 是的,我丢了手提箱.
B:Yes.Natural pearls or cultured pearls?We have both kinds. 有的。要真珠的和还是养珠的?两种我们都有.
B:You are relieved on the ot by using the credit borrowing functio of the Pony Card and obtain certain overdrafts. 您可以利用牡丹卡的信用借款功能获取一定的透支便利,以解燃眉之急。
B:You can find me something . surely ? 你能为我想到别的办法,是吗?
B:You can see very clearly the logo of mascot on the bus windows. 车窗上有本届组委会的吉祥物标志,非常醒目。
B:You can't seal the envelope,though. 不过你不能把信封封起来。
B:You can’t compete with the postgraduates. 你可不如那些研究生有竞争力。

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