5 The structural form of the Single lane PSB shall be pin-connected panels. |
中文意思: 单车道钢架桥的机构形式为拼装式。 |
5 The person(s) in charge of the activity, e.g., plant maintenance, construction, etc., shall ensure that any individual that has the authority and responsibility for the erection, inspection, and disassembly of scaffolding is competent to do so.
负责这类工作的人(例如工厂维修人员、建筑人员等)必须确保有权利和责任从事脚手架安装、检查和拆卸的任何人员都必须胜任其工作。 |
5 The ratio in which residual profits and losses will be shared by the partners.
剩余利润或损失在合伙人之间的分割比例。 |
5 The remedies under this article are exclusive of any other remedy for delay in delivery or non-delivery.
5本条款项下的补偿不包括迟延交货或不交货时的其它补偿。 |
5 The said are Ju regulations.
以上都是儒家的规矩。 |
5 The shoplifter was caught in the act.
扒手干案时,当场被捉到. |
5 The structural form of the Single lane PSB shall be pin-connected panels.
单车道钢架桥的机构形式为拼装式。 |
5 The use status of the most recent petroleum products imported for private use, including import types, volume, actual volume used, types and volume of petrochemical materials produced, types and volume of petroleum by-products produced, and their actual
五前一次输入石油制品作为自用原料之使用状况,包括输入种类及数量、实际使用量、生产石化原料种类及数量、副产石油制品种类与数量及其输出或销售实绩。 |
5 The value of art-snobbery, to living artists, is considerable.
艺术势利感对活着的艺术家具有极大的价值。 |
5 The workers rebel against their strict supervisor.
工人反抗他们严厉的管工. |
5 Then Papa put the very long ladder on top of the very high mountain.
接着,爸爸把长长的梯子架在了高高的山顶上。 |
5 There are no mud returns while circulating.
循环时没有泥浆返出。 |