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He has been soundly defeated at chess.

He has been saying that for years. 这话他已经说了好几年了。
He has been sent to work in Shanghai. 他已经被派往去上海工作了。
He has been sick for three weeks. 他已经病了几周了。
He has been skating since 9 o'clock. 他从9点钟就开始溜冰了.
He has been sorely missed here but I have spoken to him and he has really enjoyed his time over there. 他在切尔西踢球的时候,他的才能被埋没了,我曾经跟他讲过电话,他说在现在的球队里过得很愉快。
He has been soundly defeated at chess. 他在国际象棋比赛中一败涂地.
He has been spreading false stories in an attempt to smear us. 他一直在散布谎言企图诽谤我们。
He has been steadily busy ever since. 从那时起,拉巴萨一直很忙。
He has been steadily consolidating his power since the coup. 自从政变以来,他一直在稳稳地巩固他的权力。
He has been struggling for Tibetan autonomy since then. 从那以后,他一直为争取西藏的自治而抗争。
He has been struggling with illness for years. 他与疾病搏斗了许多年。

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