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I have a fancy for ice-cream.

I have a dream, we can have in mind each other every minute. 我有一个梦想,我们能互相照顾在每一分。
I have a driver's license, and I am a CPA ( Certified Public Accountant). 我有驾驶执照,我是注册会计师。
I have a driver's license. 我有驾驶执照。
I have a fair knowledge of most biological sciences but I have a blind spot when it comes to botany. 我对大多数生物学科尚有了解,可是谈到植物学时,我却一窍不通。
I have a fancy (ie a vague idea) that he will be late. 我感觉他要迟到.
I have a fancy for ice-cream. 我喜欢(吃)冰淇淋。
I have a fat chance to get the job. 我得到那份工作机会渺茫。
I have a fear of snakes. 我害怕蛇。
I have a feathery hat. 我有一顶饰有羽毛的帽子。
I have a feeling Liverpool might play a bigger part in the title race, as well as Chelsea, of course. 我有一种感觉,利物浦可能会在冠军竞争中扮演更重要的角色,当然,切尔西也是。
I have a feeling it was not exactly.what comrade Lenin had mind when he advocated the redistribution of wealth.but i wasn't the only one offering a crash course in capitalism. 我有种感觉,这大概不是列宁当年所倡导的财富重新分配,不过我可不是唯一提供给他们资本主义速成课程的人。

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