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The trigger for this flurry of activity was a letter written on February 20th by TCI, a hedge fund holding 1% of the bank's shares, to ABN Amro.

The trickle became a stream; the stream has now become a torrent. 涓涓细流汇成小溪,小溪现已变成了奔腾的江河。
The trickle of voters turning out for the pointless board election will pass banners celebrating the new season of the world baseball champions, the St Louis Cardinals. 那慢慢行进的,参加这毫无疑义的选举队伍会通过那些横幅标语,庆祝世界棒球冠军队圣路易斯红雀队的新赛季。
The tried to remove the mark from his jacket with a cleaning fluid, but it wouldn't rub out. 她试图用清洁剂来除他短上衣上面的污痕,但搓洗不掉。
The triennial Council on Legislation affects all club and district activities. The following information outlines district and club responsibilities in the years before and during the Council. 每三年一次的立法会议对所有扶轮社及地区活动都会造成影响。以下的资料,指示地区及扶轮社在立法会议的前几年及立法会议期间的责任。
The trigger electronic module consists of 3 discriminators and a coincidence unit which performs a 2-out-of-3 logic gate. Hence either 2 detectors or 3 detectors receiving cosmic ray signal will trigger DAQ. 触发电路模组由三个鉴别器和一个「与」门电路组成。当有两块或以上的探测器同时产生讯号,该电路便会触发数据收集。
The trigger for this flurry of activity was a letter written on February 20th by TCI, a hedge fund holding 1% of the bank's shares, to ABN Amro. 引发这场疾风骤雨的导火索是TCI(一家对冲基金,其持有荷银1%的股份)写给荷银的一封信。
The trigger-happy Steve Francis and Cuttino Mobley were shipped to Orlando in return for superstar guard/forward Tracy McGrady who now dons the Rockets' red. 乱枪打鸟的史蒂夫?弗朗西斯和卡蒂诺?莫布里被送往奥兰多,得到的回报是超级明星,锋卫摇摆人特雷西?麦格雷迪,他现在穿着火箭的红色。
The trilled `r' is produced by vibrating the tongue against the upper teeth. 发带颤音的r, 舌抬向上齿颤动而成.
The trillions of dollars zapping through the markets are usually moved electronically, allowing traders to hedge investments in everything from shifts in the currency to turns in the weather. 万亿美元以电子数据的形式在这个市场快速地流进流出,使得交易商能够规避种种投资风险,无论风险是由币值升降,或是天气变化引起的。
The trillions of payments that are too small to bear the fees of paying by credit card have come within reach and almost everyone stands to gain. 数万亿比开销,即便它们无法承担用信用卡支付的手续费,现在亦唾手可得并且几乎人人都开始丛中获益。
The trim hedge, the grass-plot before the door, the little flower-bed bordered with snug box, the woodbine trained up against the wall, and hanging its blossoms about the lattice; the pot of flowers in the window; the holly, providently planted about the 宅前树篱齐整,绿草茵茵,花圃精巧,四周黄杨密植;忍冬缘墙而上,其花绽放,星星点点,缀于窗棂;窗台饰有盆花,居所四周植有冬青,聊以消解寒冬之孤寂,室内炉火熊熊,虽非夏日,宅前院后绿意浓浓,亦使居者倍感惬意;凡此种种,皆孕高雅之情趣,自绅士名流,至草根百姓,泽被万民。

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