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As with his music, it's a conviction he acts out, by performing at campuses in the US, like a recent gig at Harvard for the Taiwan Student Association.

As with any new exercise program, it is wise to check with your doctor before engaging in a new rigorous physical activity. 有了新的训练计划,在参加运动之前找医生检查一下身体是明智的。
As with any other country, this miniature country sports its own flag, coins its own coins, runs its own postal, transportation, telephone systems, and radio broadcasting station. 跟任何其他国家一样,这样一个袖珍小国挂自己的国旗,铸造自己的硬币,经营自己的邮政、交通、电话系统和无线电广播电台。
As with anyone's first try at something, the Articles of Confederation were not perfect. 就像所有人第一次尝试做某件事情一样,邦联条例并不是完美的。
As with familial adenomatous polyposis, the inheritance pattern is autosomal dominant. 家族性腺瘤息肉病的遗传方式是常染色体显性遗传。
As with his Mir study, and by all six of his measures, the ISS crew coped with stress by blaming the ground team and perceiving that its members felt negatively towards them—even though the records of mission controllers showed that they did not. 但通过他对和平号研究和进行的所有六次观测显示,国际空间站上的宇航员往往通过责备地面人员来释放压力,同时也能感觉到成员的消极态度,虽然任务控制人员的记录显示宇航员并没有这样的表现。
As with his music, it's a conviction he acts out, by performing at campuses in the US, like a recent gig at Harvard for the Taiwan Student Association. 力宏坚信,藉由在美国校园演出的活动,比如最近的哈佛台湾同学会举办的演奏会,他可以用音乐让大家团结。
As with many aspects of biology and ecology, what matter are local environmental conditions. 考虑过生物学与生态学的众多层面之后,我们发现,研究重点其实在于局部的环境状况。
As with many historical figures, his mantle is contested by devotees of different political hues. 他的牌位和许多历史人物一样,被带着各种色彩热衷政治的人们争夺不休。
As with many young people when they learn they have such a difficult disease, it threatened to undermine his self-identity and sense of independence. “这种疗法惊人的简单,可以理解为你的医师能够在细胞层面上介入和控制(疾病),”神圣学院西雅图分校副校长贝赖特.埃克博格说,37岁的他从14岁起就被诊断为1型糖尿病。
As with most American brands, Cadillac was forced to downsize its offerings between the 1973 and 1979 fuel crises. 同大多数的美国汽车品牌一样,凯迪拉克汽车被迫降低产量因为1973年和1979年的燃料危机。
As with most free ways to make money this will take time to get going, but if you can build a following you will make money. 正如大多数自由办法赚钱这需要时间来赶快走,但如果你可以建立以下你会赚钱.

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