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She, the Woman, exists nowhere but in the gaze of the man who imagines her, and only in our mythic pool does she bathe.

She's writing a dictionary or something. 她在编写词典之类的书.
She's written the definitive history of Vienna. 她写下了权威性的维也纳历史。
She's young and dynamic and will be a great head of the department. 她年老、精神充分,定将成为该部门精彩的指导。
She, and then a man, took her gently arm-in-arm and brought her out into the light. 她,接着是一个男人,轻轻地挽起她的手臂,把她领到外面。
She, apparently, wants to say something. 她显然想要说点什么。
She, the Woman, exists nowhere but in the gaze of the man who imagines her, and only in our mythic pool does she bathe. 她身为女人,她只存在于想像她的男人的眼光中。她只沐浴在我们神秘的水池中。
She, too, comes from Scotland. 她也是来自苏格兰。
She-bears normally give birth to tiny walnut-sized cubs during their winter hibernation and suckle them for months as they grow, before the spring thaw awakens the mother and she leaves her den. 母熊通常在冬眠期间产下胡桃大小的幼仔,哺乳几个月,小熊们渐渐长大,当春天来临大地解冻时,母熊从冬眠中醒来,离开巢穴。
She/ He is from Australia. 她/他来自澳大利亚。
She/ He lives in Tokyo. 她/他住在东京。
She/He sent me photos and certificate of deposit account as expected. 她/他果然把照片和存款证明发了过来。

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