But unapproved crops can accidentally reach market although such incidents are believed to be rear.
未被测试的作物能偶尔到达市场,但这类事件被认为很少。 |
But unapproved crops can accidentally reach market, although such incidents are believed to be rare.
尽管概率很低,但是非法农作物偶尔也能在市场看到。 |
But unapproved crops can accidentally reach market, although such incidents are believed to be rare. American officials are now investigating a case involving rice from Bayer CropScience of Germany.
但未经批准的农作物可能意外地流入市场,虽然这种可能性很小。美国政府官员现在正在调查一宗案件,该案件与从德国拜尔作物科学公司引入的大米有关。 |
But under just a bit of scrutiny, that defense quickly falls apart.
但是稍加审查,这个辩解就站不住脚。 |
But under proposals to be discussed at a November meeting of the radiocommunication sector of the International Telecommunication Union—the United Nations agency in charge of broadcasting official time—this leap second might be the last.
但是在今年11月的会议中,联合国负责发布标准时间的“国际电信联盟”无线电通讯部门声明,这也许是最后一次润秒了。 |
But under some circumstances, we falter.
但在某些状况下,事情就没这麽简单了。 |
But under álvaro Uribe, Colombia's president since 2002, violence has fallen steadily and many parts of the country have become safe.
不过,在2002年上任至今的哥伦比亚总统阿尔瓦罗?乌里韦治下,暴力事件已经稳步减少,大部分地区都已变得安全。 |
But understand, O Arjuna that sacrifice which is executed motivated by fruitiveness, ostentatiously for material benefit is in the nature of passion.
但是,你要明白,阿诸那啊,如果礼拜祭祀的动机是为了获得回报,为了炫耀其物质利益,那就是欲望情感的品性。 |
But unfortunately many have a rough landing and suffer an unexpected shock so that they are totally disorientated as soon as their feet touch the ground.
不幸的是,很多美人在着陆时都经历了始料未及的颠簸,秀脚刚一触地,眼睛就迷失了方向。 |
But unfortunately we can not get hold of any liner sailing for London in November, because the shipping space for sailings to London up to the end of November has all been booked up.
但不幸的是我们无法租到11月驶往伦敦的班轮,因为截止到11月底开往伦敦的班轮已全部订完。 |
But unfortunately, most schools don't have classes that teach you how to take notes.
不过遗憾的是,多数学校并不开设课程教你如何做笔记。 |