Ringier Trade Publishing publishes 24 specialized industry magazines for China, in simplified Chinese, reaching over 550,000 decision-makers in China's chemical processing and metalworking industries, Ringier also offers 3 bilingual Chinese-English indust
荣格贸易出版有限公司目前面向中国市场出版多达24种简体中文版专业刊物,杂志每月送达中国逾55万买家手中—涵盖化学、加工及工业金属加工等行业,此外还面向亚洲出版3本中英文双语刊物,每年举办23个行业技术研讨会,经营工业资源网站。 |
Ringier is a family owned company established 170 years ago publising successful daily newspapers, a range of business publications, a variety of magazines, and TV programs in Switzerland, Eastern Europe and Asia.
北京荣格广告公司在中国的合作项目还包括《城市周刊》,在香港、上海和北京均设有分公司。 |
Ringing (tinnitus) represents the stimulation of the nerve fibers responsible for interpreting sound.
耳鸣是由于传输声音的神经纤维受到刺激引起的。 |
Ringing tone playback &vibra activation application priority raised to ensure user notification about incoming call in case a high priority application (e.g. game) is in use.
铃声播放和震动提示优先级提高,以确保用户在进行一个高优先的程序时(例如游戏中)仍可使用。(不会由于打游戏而不知道有来电或短信。) |
Rinpoche then instructed us to chant Namo Amitabha for TM.
仁波切随后指示我们为TM唱诵长寿佛咒语。 |
Rinpoche told me several times that the MO (divination) was not good.
仁波切数度告诉我占卜的结果并不好。 |
Rinpoche was especially interested in preserving the three-year retreat for the new generation.
萨杰仁波切特别热衷的是──为下一代保存三年闭关传统。 |
Rinpoche was my only source of hope then, and I desperately clung on to this source of hope.
那时候,仁波切是我唯一求助的对象,而我拼命地、不顾一切地,紧抓著这唯一的希望。 |
Rinse Chinese cu***bers well and shred.
小黄瓜洗净,切丝备用。 |
Rinse Chinese cucumbers well and shred.
小黄瓜洗净,切丝备用。 |
Rinse alfalfa sprouts well.Rinse cabbage and carrot well,then shred.Soak all the shredded ingredients in ice water for later use.
豆芽菜洗净;紫圆白菜及胡萝卜洗净,切丝;把所有处理好的材料浸泡在凉水中备用。 |