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Now, more and more frequently, a certain foreboding overcomes me.

Now, like an Ivy League school, it is starting to look for more well-rounded candidates, like those who have published books or started their own clubs. 而现在的它更像一所常春藤名校,开始把目光放在那些多面手身上,例如招一些出过书或是建过俱乐部的人。
Now, list at least three new experiences, skills to learn, that you would like to bring into your life next year. 现在,列出至少三个你明年想要带入生活的新经验及新技能。
Now, look at this horse. This part is called the saddle. 注意看这匹马,这部分被称为马鞍。
Now, many doctors are opting against off-label use until more is known about the risks. 现在,很多医生都表示,在更多关于风险的研究结果出来之前,他们反对“非适应症型用药”。
Now, men are enlisting for the air force. 现正在招募空军。
Now, more and more frequently, a certain foreboding overcomes me. 现在,某种预感越来越频繁地涌上我的心头。
Now, more and more people are realizing the importance of clean air. 现在越来越多的人意识到净化空气的重要性。
Now, more than three years later we finally got down and created a tab pane control that we think is a worthy replacement. 现在,三年多过去了,我们终于创建了一个新的值得替换的标签面板控件。
Now, my life is rounded; it began with the natural irreflective happiness of childhood, it will close in the reasoned tranquility of the mature mind. 现在,我生命已经圆融:起自童年纯樸无知的快乐,终于成熟心灵的安详宁静。
Now, new findings suggest that the drug achieves this by cutting off the tumor's blood supply, not just by blocking an enzyme called cyclooxygenase. 现在,新发现表明阿司匹林的这种作用不仅仅是通过阻断环氧合酶,而且还能切断肿瘤血液供应来实现的。
Now, new research finds iron may be associated with the risk of oulatory infertility. 如今,新研究发现铁可能与排卵性不孕的风险相关。

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