Patients who receied the thrombolytic therapy at the uniersity's burn center were more likely to keep their frostbitten fingers and toes than patients who went without the drug.
在犹他大学烧伤中心接受溶拴治疗的烧伤病人较那些没有接受康血栓药物的病人更有可能保住自己冻伤的手指和脚趾。 |
Patients whose with tumor exceeded 5 cm in dimeter on preoperative computed tomography or with a prior lumbar incision were excluded from this series.
术前计算机断层发现肿瘤大于5公分之病患则排除于外。 |
Patients with AOM and an atrophic scar failed the DPOAE test.
另外,急性中耳炎及鼓膜呈萎缩性瘢痕者,其变频耳声传射皆消失。 |
Patients with MALT lymphoma present with localized disease and usually have a long survival rate.
通常病人多是局限于某一部位,预后良好。 |
Patients with a clinical history of asoagal syncope hae been reported to hae a positie tilt testing result in 30-85% of cases (2).
对于有血管迷走性晕厥临床病史的病人,据报道倾斜试验的阳性率为30%-85%[2]。 |
Patients with a clinical history of vasovagal syncope have been reported to have a positive tilt testing result in 30-85% of cases (2).
对于有血管迷走性晕厥临床病史的病人,据报道倾斜试验的阳性率为30%-85%[2]。 |
Patients with a hydatidiform mole are often large for dates and have hyperemesis gravidarum more frequently.
病人看起来常比同期正常孕妇子宫大,常伴妊娠剧吐。 |
Patients with ankylosing spondilytis are very susceptible to spine fracture even on a trivial trauma.
这病例再次地提醒大家,僵直性脊椎炎患者的脊柱异常地脆弱,甚至只是轻微的创伤,都可能会导致骨折。 |
Patients with augmented caloric nystagmus in light during routine caloric test were all rechecked, and the slow-phase velocity was measured with electronystagmographic recordings to calculate the visual suppression index.
摘要在常规温差测验中,出现视觉抑制消失而明室下温差眼振增强之病人,给予重复检查,并以眼振电图记录之。 |
Patients with cirrhosis have significantly shortened life spans and are at risk for decompensation and hepatic failure, as well as the development of hepatocellular carcinoma.
肝硬化患者会明显缩短寿命,并有肝失代偿和肝衰竭的危险,并有发展成肝癌的可能。 |
Patients with drug-induced or vascular parkinsonism or dementia were excluded.
那些药物诱导或痴呆的病人已经被排除。 |