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In this case, the savings on room and board are a benefit of going to college.

In this case, the optimizer heuristically guesses a small value for the selectivity, using an internal default value. 优化器会自己猜测一个值,怎么猜呢?这样说来绑定变量的执行计划是可变的吗?
In this case, the overall cost was £550/㎡, including the basement and conservatory, which is well within the range of normality. 这个工程总的造价为£550/㎡,包括地下室和温室,这个造价完全在正常的造价范围内。
In this case, the patsies are other financial institutions. 在这种情况下,替罪羔羊们就变成其他金融机构。
In this case, the price of the chocolates provides the rule of thumb. 在上面的例子里,巧克力的价格就是经验法则。
In this case, the proxy is the relative price of shares in CANTV, a Venezuelan telecom company, quoted in Caracas and New York. 只不过在这其中使用的是委内瑞拉电信公司在加拉加斯和纽约的股价比。
In this case, the savings on room and board are a benefit of going to college. 在这种情况下,住宿与伙食费的节省是上大学的收益。
In this case, the taxi driver is at fault. 这个案件中,计程车司机错了。
In this case, the user can search on Lastname, Firstname, Title, City, and Country. 在这个案例中,用户可以根据“姓”、“名”、“标题”、“城市”和“国家”字段进行搜索。
In this case, the value of FDG-PET for earlier detection of recurrent lymph node metastases after RT was demonstrated. 本病例显示了氟-18-去氧葡萄糖正子摄影在早期治疗的复发性淋巴转移上的高度价值。
In this case, the z-rotation of the scope geometry is used to drive the Cone Angle on the spot light. 在材质网络里的两个节点是一个简单的例子,去显示无材质的节点如何用于驱动一个渲染效果。
In this case, their enhancement bonus applies to either type of attack. 这种情况下,增强加值对两种攻击方式都有效。

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