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Arose one's all efforts to make the country prosperous and honest with creditis our company's tenet.

Arise, go to Nineveh the great city and proclaim to it the proclamation which I am going to tell you. 拿3:3约拿便照耶和华的话起来、往尼尼微去。这尼尼微是极大的城、有三日的路程。
Arise, go up against a nation which is at ease, Which lives securely,declares the Lord. It has no gates or bars; They dwell alone. 耶49:31耶和华说、迦勒底人哪、起来、上安逸无虑的居民那里去.他们是无门无闩、独自居住的。
Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him by the hand, for I will make a great nation of him. 创21:18起来、把童子抱在怀中、〔怀原文作手〕我必使他的后裔成为大国。
Arjen has everything in his game,said van Basten. He has great touch, control, dribbling ability and can score great goals too. 罗本在技战术方面拥有很多优点,范巴斯滕说.他有球感良好,控球能力和突破能力出众,甚至可以射出一些世界波.
Arjen is a great player and a good lad,Lampard told the Sun. “阿里恩是一名出色的球员,同时也是个好伙伴,”兰帕德对太阳报说。
Arose one's all efforts to make the country prosperous and honest with creditis our company's tenet. 太仓罗杰物料输送设备工程有限公司宗旨:励精图治,诚实守信。
Around 1980 many Japanese, especially young people, abandoned the values of economic success and began searching for new sets of values to bring them happiness,writes sociologist Yasuhiro Yoshizaki in Comparative Civilizations Review. “1980年前后,许多日本人,特别是年轻人,摒弃了经济上成功的价值基准,开始寻找能给他们带来幸福快乐的新的价值准则,”社会学家吉崎康宏在《文明比较评论》一书中这样写道。
Arthur Dimmesdale!she said, faintly at first; then louder, but hoarsely: Arthur Dimmesdale! “阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔!”她说,起初有气无力,后来声音倒是放开了,可是有些沙哑。“阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔!”
Article 49 Any citizen, legal person and any other organization may become a party to a civil action. 第四十九条公民、法人和其他组织可以作为民事诉讼的当事人。
Article 50 Parties to an action shall have the right to appoint agents, apply for withdrawals, collect and provide evidence, proffer arguments, request conciliation, file an appeal and apply for execution. 第五十条当事人有权委托代理人,提出回避申请,收集、提供证据,进行辩论,请求调解,提起上诉,申请执行。
Article 58 A party to an action, or statutory agent may appoint one or two persons to act as his agents ad litem. 第五十八条当事人、法定代理人可以委托一至二人作为诉讼代理人。

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