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I've got a lot on my mind. You made me feel ashamed of myself.

I've got a heavy headache and run at the nose. 我头痛得厉害,还流鼻涕。
I've got a hostage. 我捉到一名人质。
I've got a job interview today. 我今天要参加一个工作面试。
I've got a lot of faith in the team; I'm sure they won't fail us. 我对这个队很有信心,我相信他们不会使我们失望的。
I've got a lot on my mind. 我觉得心头沉重。
I've got a lot on my mind. You made me feel ashamed of myself. 我觉得心头沉重,你让我觉得惭愧。
I've got a map showing the way to there. 我有张表明到那里的路线的地图。
I've got a mass of things to see to this morning. 今天上午我有许多事情要处理。
I've got a matchbox of a room. 我得到一间像火柴盒大小的房间。
I've got a mild temperament. 我的性情很温和。
I've got a parcel for you. 我这里有个包裹是你的。

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