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Where were you when the program blew up?

Where have you come from?David asked him. He answered, I have escaped from the Israelite camp. 3大卫问他说,你从哪里来。他说,我从以色列的营里逃来。
Where is he?the king asked. Ziba answered, He is at the house of Makir son of Ammiel in Lo Debar. 4王说,他在哪里。洗巴对王说,他在罗底巴,亚米利的儿子玛吉家里。
Where is my handsome prince? “我的白马王子在哪里?”
Where is my pencil?It's here. “我的铅笔在什么地方?”“在这儿。”
Where there is a right there is a remedy. 摘要「有权利即有救济,权利无救济即非权利」。
Where were you when the program blew up? 当程序崩溃时你在哪?
Where's my cap?It's kicking around somewhere. 「我的帽子在哪里?」「它閒置在某个地方去了。」
Where's the man that done that?inquired the officer excitedly. “肇事的家伙跑哪儿去了?”警官气急败坏地问道。
Where's the man that done that⑹?inquired the officer, excitedly. “干这事的人在哪儿?”警官厉声问道。
Whereas just across the Japan Sea is an obvious dynamic market. “而在日本海的对面,却是一个显而易见的、生机勃勃的市场。”
Whereas you have been forsaken and hated With no one passing through, I will make you an everlasting pride, A joy from generation to generation. 赛60:15你虽然被撇弃被厌恶、甚至无人经过、我却使你变为永远的荣华、成为累代的喜乐。

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