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Among college students, who were once considered as “God’s favoured ones”, some become suspects of thefts at present, which causes the whole society to feel pitiful.
昔日被视为“天之骄子”的大学生 ,有的却成了今天的盗窃犯罪嫌疑人 ,这是一件令全社会感到惋惜的事情。

Among CNS,there were 0 S.epidermidis strains(9.%),9 S.hemolyticus strains( .9%), S.hominis(8.0%),and 7 other kinds of Staphyloccus strains(.9%). 果 株细菌中,分离出株CNS(占7.%),其中表皮葡萄球菌 0株(9.%)、溶血葡萄球菌9株( .9%)、人葡萄球菌株(8.0%)、其他葡萄球菌7株(.9%);
Among 89 patients with CD, the location of disease were ileitis 8( %), colitis 0( %),ileocolitis 7( 0%) and the uncommon lesion including esophagus and duodenum (%). CD病变范围分型为小肠型8例( %)、结肠型 0例( %)、回结肠型7例( 0%)、其他(食道、十二指肠)例(%); 病情轻、中、重度分别为例(7%)、8例( %)、例(%);
Among The four traditional differentiation methods(The counting of white blood cell, the total ascites protein, Rivalta test, proportion) the respective coincidence rate is 9. % ,8. % , 8. 0% ,8. 0%. 传统四项鉴别法(白细胞计数、腹水总蛋白、Rivalta试验、比重)中的各单项鉴别符合率分别为9. %、8. %、8.0%、8.0%,同时符合传统四项指标的总符合率为.7%;
Among all patients, inflammatory infiltration were cases (8. %), ulcer or caseous mecrosis type cases ( . %), granulation hyperplasia type 8(.8%), scar stenosis type (9.7%), and bronchial wall intenerate type (0.9%) case. 炎症浸润型 例(8. %),溃疡或干酪坏死型例( . %),肉芽增殖型8例(.8%),瘢痕狭窄型例(9.7%),管壁软化型例,(0.9%)。
Among all age groups, the epithelial-stromal tumors and germ sex cell tumor presented the highest incidence, 77%. The highest incidence of ovarian carcinoma was in ~0 year-old groups and that of borderline tumor was in ~0 years-old. 不同发病年龄组各类卵巢肿瘤构成比仍以表面上皮-间质肿瘤和生殖细胞肿瘤最多,两者构成比之和均达到77%以上,其中恶性肿瘤以~0岁发病年龄组较多,交界瘤以~0岁发病年龄组较多。
Among college students, who were once considered as “God’s favoured ones”, some become suspects of thefts at present, which causes the whole society to feel pitiful. 昔日被视为“天之骄子”的大学生 ,有的却成了今天的盗窃犯罪嫌疑人 ,这是一件令全社会感到惋惜的事情。
Among married fecund women in rural areas of Jiangsu province, the major contraceptive methods being used were IUD and tubal ligation (.7% and . 9%). 江苏农村已婚妇女中,现用的节育方法主要是宫内节育器和女性绝育(分别占.7%和 . 9%)。
Among the , there were 8 patients (0.8%) whose cornea were transparent or nebular (staining negative) and whose corrected vision was better than .0, according to 0.~ years' follow-up. There was no perforation of cornea. 随访0.~年,角膜透明,或形成云翳,染色阴性,视力恢复,矫正视力.0以上,占7.8%(/7),无例发生角膜穿孔。
Among the patients with anorexia nervosa, 9 (. %) had lower T , normal T and TSH, and ( 7.%) had normal thyroid function. 例AN患者中,T 降低、T和TSH均正常的达9例(. %),甲状腺功能完全正常的 例( 7.%);
Among the 8 with weak contractility of detrusor urinae, 7 (.%) fell under the type of kidney-yang deficiency and 7 ( .%) the type of aqueduct stagnancy. 膀胱逼尿肌收缩功能弱者中(n=8),肾阳虚弱型为7例,占.%(7/8),瘀阻水道型7例,占 .%(7/8)。
Among the prostitutes, 8 had mixed infection, and serovar E( . %), D(.9%),F(.9%)and K(.7%) were the major serotypes. 而 例卖淫女性标本中,发现混合感染8例(.%,8/ ),以E( . %)、D(.9%)、F(.9%)和K(.7%)型为主,混合感染率为.%(8/ )。

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