On his way, he received a message from the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen: I'm going South. |
中文意思: 在途中,他收到一封来自挪威人罗纳德·阿蒙森的电报:“我正向南极进发。” |
On his way home, Ah Kin poured the milk into his pocket and threw the empty pot to the side of the road.
回家的路上,阿金把牛奶倒进口袋里,然后把罐子扔在路边。 |
On his way home, Li Lei and yesterday.
李雷昨天在回家的路上,不小心跌倒了,摔断了腿。 |
On his way home, he stopped at the supermarket and ordered four catfish.
回家的路上,他到一家超市里要了四条鲶鱼。 |
On his way out of the hospital, he touched the finger on which she was wearing her boyfriends ring and asked her if she was married.
离开病房的路上,父亲摸了摸母亲戴著男朋友戒指的手指问她是否已经嫁人。 |
On his way, Pao-yu ran into Pao-ch'ai and Tai-ch'un, his younger sister.
宝玉行至半路,遇见宝钗和三妹探春,说了几句话,再寻黛玉时,黛玉已不见了。 |
On his way, he received a message from the Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen: I'm going South.
在途中,他收到一封来自挪威人罗纳德·阿蒙森的电报:“我正向南极进发。” |
On holiday, eel-catcher lovers in the city will also bring their children to the country to catch eel.
节假日,市内的钓蟮爱好者也常带着孩子来郊外觅蟮。 |
On holidays people often go to casinos to play roulette and billiards.
节假日人们常去赌场玩轮盘赌和台球戏。 |
On holidays the little town wakes up.
每逢假日,这个小镇就活跃起来了。 |
On holidays, he kept himself busy sharpening his knives.
假日时,他就老在磨刀。 |
On holidays, we like to go to the forest cabin and let it all hang out.
在假日,我们喜欢去森林小木屋完全放轻松。 |