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It is popular to conduct cultural studies from the perspective of semiotics in many countries except China.

It is pointed that the concept of the acoustical design for gymnasiums should be an entity of the architectural acoustics and the designs of sound reinforcement that the concept of traditional optimal reverberation time in gymnasiums, which is actually th 指出:体育馆声学设计的概念应该是建筑声学和扩声系统设计的统一体;体育馆不存在传统最佳混响时间的概念,体育馆“最佳混响”就是混响时间和扩声系统结合达到的最佳清晰度概念;现行体育馆建筑声学标准中混响时间可以放宽,其意义在于扩声系统和声学装修的优化结合,从而节约国家相关建设投资。
It is pointed that the failure of this model in predicting the transition stems from the non-objective of the momentum balance relationship of smooth annular flow. 由此阐明了该模型难以正确预测微重力条件下气/液两相弹-环状流转换条件的原因在于光滑环状流动量平衡关系的非客观性。
It is pointed that the routes of dimethyl oxalate hydrogenation and solid acid catalysis of methyl formate and formaldehyde could be the environmentally friendly and economically attractive alternatives to existing method for industrial production of meth 指出草酸二甲酯催化加氢法和以甲酸甲酯和甲醛为原料的固体酸催化法是有吸引力的环境友好的经济路线。
It is pointed that the thick unconsolidated layers above roof have effect on post-buckling behaviors of key stratum, the equilibrium path of roof is unstable from breaking to final subsidence. 研究发现,顶板上覆厚松散沙层对关键层的后屈曲性态有影响;顶板从破断至极限下沉其平衡路径不稳定。
It is polarity that locks one into having one thing in the physical and its opposite in the nonphysical. 就是极性阻碍你在物质层持有某件事物,而于非物质层却相反。
It is popular to conduct cultural studies from the perspective of semiotics in many countries except China. 用符号学的观点研究文化,在许多地方已成风气,但在我国尚有待开发。
It is popular with many people. 丝绸画质地柔软,手感光滑。
It is popularly argued that the tameness of the downturn was the benign result of the American economy's increased flexibility, better inventory control and the Fed's firmer grip on inflation. 一般认为驯服衰退受惠于美国经济不断增强的灵活性,改善的库存控制和联储对通胀的有力掌控。
It is popularly defined as the distribution and sale of goods. 它通常被定义为商品的分配和销售。
It is popularly understood that metaphysics influences Buddhism a lot whereas it remains status quo in the contact. 摘要一般认为,玄学思想对佛教产生了影响,但玄学并未受到佛教的影响。
It is portable to move the shoot rack up and down. Its manual lock is freely in any position. 摄片架作上下移动时,轻便灵活,可在任意需要位置手刹制动。

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