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As the Yankees flip the calendar to begin the month of August, there's really no wiggle room left.

As the Villagers continue to talk, a shadow sneaks up behing the Maestro's back. He can't see anything, but he notices the scared looks in the Villager's eyes. 『正当人们谈论不休时,一个黑影潜到迈斯卓背后,迈斯卓并没有看到,但是他看到了镇民们惊惧的眼神。』
As the WCO's Vice-Chairman representing the Asia Pacific Region, the department also assumes responsibility for co-ordinating regional efforts in promoting liaison and co-operation, compliance and facilitation, reform and modernisation, training, integrit 作为世界海关组织代表亚太区的副主席,香港海关亦肩负重任,在促进亚太区海关联络及合作、遵从贸易法规与利便商贸、推行改革及现代化、培训人员、提倡诚信和发展人力资源等方面,统筹亚太区内成员所采取的措施。
As the Washington Post notes, the vote will mark the first big test of Google's lobbying savvy. 正如华盛顿邮报指出,这场选举将标志着首次大考验谷歌游说的悟性.
As the Western parents often say: The indulgent attention directed at children will be something that spoils them. 正如西方父母所说的那样,对孩子的溺爱充坏了孩子。
As the Winter Solstice approached, with its long cold nights and short days, many people feared the sun would not return. 每当冬至来临,寒夜漫长,白昼短暂,许多人担心太阳将一去不复返。
As the Yankees flip the calendar to begin the month of August, there's really no wiggle room left. 月历又翻了一页,洋基进入了8月份的赛程,球季到了这里,几乎已经没有回旋的空间了。
As the Yankees gathered their belongings and headed out the clubhouse doors winless for the fourth consecutive day, their spirits were only mildly boosted by muffled reports of Roger Clemens' third Minor League appearance some 380 miles away in Moosic, Pa 当洋基步出球场大门连续四天没能赢球,他们的精神略微的因为火箭人380英里远外的表现而有所激励。
As the activity-field in the espionage-reports would be placed underthe researches, you need a high enough espionage-tech / enough probesto get that info. 间谍报告中的活动状态栏会处于研究栏下,你需要足够高的间谍技术、足够多的间谍去得到信息。
As the addict's toleration increases, he requires ever larger doses of the drug. 由于嗜毒者对药物的耐受性增加了,因而需要更大剂量的毒品。
As the adults of the opening distance education, how they take advantage of these useful conditions to finish their study, and satisfy their needs of lifelong learning, the key point is to grasp the learning strategy capable of the opening distance educat 作为远程开放教育的成人如何利用这些有利的条件完成自己的学业,以及满足自己终身学习的需要,关键在于掌握适合远程开放教育学习的策略。
As the advocacating of democracy and science during the May 4th Movement marks the very beginning of the self-examination and self-advancement of the Chinese people, our speaking at the home to democracy and science represents the common expectation of th 因为“五四运动”的德先生、赛先生是中国人自省自强的开始,我们两个人分别到德先生和赛先生的大本营来演讲,正代表两岸人民的共同期待,炎黄子孙出人头地的共同愿望。

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